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If current location is not working try the following:

Step 1: Turn on location services

Make sure GPS/Location Service is turned on in your phone's settings.

Step 2: Try going outside

Step3: Reset location settings

The first time you turn on Current Location you will be asked if you want to give the map access to your location. You can reset this choice by:

For Chrome browsers:
  1. Touch the menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Touch Settings>Content Settings>Website Settings or Settings>Site settings>Location.
  3. Find ndismaps.nrel.colostate.edu.
  4. Allow location access.
  5. Reload the Atlas in Chrome and allow location access on the message that shows up.
For Safari browsers:
  1. Goto your home screen.
  2. Touch Settings>Privacy>Location Services
  3. Slide Location Services on.
  4. Reload Atlas in Safari and allow location access on the message that shows up.