Click here to view help video. This tool adds shapes or text to the map and can display point coordinates, distance, and area. Select the Draw tab to add: points, lines, rectangles, and
polygons. Select the Label tab to add text.
On the Draw tab select the desired graphic button: points, lines, freehand lines, rectangles, or polygons. NOTE: because the map resets to Identify (i.e. show info at the map click), you will need to reselect the graphic
button each time you want to add a new graphic. Choose the style (color, size) for the graphic.
For points: set how you would like to enter the point: either by map click, type in the point, or type in multiple points. Set
the XY units to display/enter the point(s). Check the Label XY checkbox if you would like the XY point to be labeled on the map. Finally, click the location on the map to place the point.
For lines & polygons: check the Label measurements checkbox if you would like to display the length/area of the graphic below the graphic on the map.
To draw a line or polygon: click on the map at the start of the line/polygon, move the mouse, click again, double click to end.
To draw freehand lines or rectangles: click and drag the mouse on the map.
To erase a graphic from the map: click on the trash can button. The last graphic added to the map will be removed.
On the Label tab, click on the A button. NOTE: because the map resets to Identify (i.e. show info at the map click), you will need to reselect the A button each time you want to add a new label. Enter the text, select
the font style, and click on the map at the location to insert the label. To erase a label from the map click on the trash can button. The last label added to the map will be removed.